Tuesday 16 October 2012


Our annual school Fun Walk was last Friday the 5th of October. Every year the different years in the school are given a certain colour and we have to dress up as something of that colour and make a dance. This year as usual TY's were yellow. After a good few years it gets pretty difficult to come up with new ideas so it took us a while. In the end we decided to be the yellow pages and we would all be a page in a giant book. I think it's a genius idea if I'm honest!! We danced to call me maybe .. but there was a twist. Halfway through , the song changed to gangnam style! Yes I know ,it's an epic song :) .. It was really  fun and we had a great time. We got to see all the other ty's preform their's as well. I think ours was the best by a mile!.. the judges didn't agree though :( .. They thought it was a bit inappropriate.. They have no sense of fun! Despite the dissappointing result I had a good time. After the walk was over , we went back to the courtyard , where we got cans of coke and danced to music! My costume was thrown away while I was doing the macarena .. I didn't really mind to be honest, It's not like I'm going to wear yellow pages again, ever. I lost my shoe laces though , as they were tying my costume together. That was sad:( ..  ah wachtya gunna do!

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